Planning and Design
Cleartech Consulting Ltd. specializes in planning and designing on-site sewage treatment and disposal systems for any type of project. In British Columbia, for system flows less than 22710 L/d, these systems are subject to the Health Act – Sewerage System Regulation (SSR) and the companion Sewerage System Standard Practice Manual – Version 3 (SPMV3) and fall under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health. Larger flow systems in BC are subject to the Environmental Health Act – Municipal Wastewater Regulation (MWR), under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Environment.
Small Flow Systems
Small flow systems can come in various forms, and typically service single family and smaller multi-family developments, mobile home parks, service stations, retail/commercial developments, etc. The following steps are usually completed by Cleartech for any Type 1, Type 2, or Type 3 septic project under the SSR: